With inspiration from my dear sister-in-law, Rachel, I embark on this adventure - capturing an image every day for a year both to have for myself and to share with you. My hope is that through this effort, I will "keep peace in the noisy confusion of life" - taking time to notice the small things, celebrate the big things, and more fully appreciate the gift of each new day. Of course, I had every intention of beginning this on January 1st - but when that day came and went without a blog, Rachel assured me that this project can begin on any day. After a slow start, I really hope I can pull it off - and that you'll enjoy it!

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Day 204 - July 31: Leaving Chatham

Today we begin our trip to the land of Bucky Badger - Wisconsin, where we'll take in a Brewers game, visit Green Bay and Madison, spend time with cousins at Sugar Camp, and attend the wedding of our nephew, Matthew to Megan. Let the adventure begin.

Day 203 - July 30: Sharks

So apparently there are Great Whites in the Chatham waters.  When my brother, Pete sees it on the evening news in San Fransisco, I guess it's a big deal.  However, those of us who live here spend very little time thinking about them.  That is, until we go for donuts at the Chatham Bakery. 

Day 202 - July 29: Fifty Shades

Finished the third book - guilty as charged. 

Day 201 - July 28: Luau

Today our yacht club held its annual Luau, a gathering of families at the beach complete with music, races, balloons, food, and good company.  The fog rolled in and out but didn't spoil the fun. 

Day 200 - July 27: Mother's Helper

Lane has always loved babies. When she was a toddler, she earned applause from fellow passengers when she was able to quiet a baby during a long flight.  In Chatham, she loves nothing more than playing with four year old twins, William and Nicholas.  And they love playing with her. 

Day 199 - July 26: Cabaret

We returned to the Monomoy Theater tonight for a fantastic production of "Cabaret". 

Day 198 - July 25: Sue's Day

The sailing genes in our family come directly from the Corning clan.  Douglas' mother, Sue (pictured here with her father) was Long Island Sound Junior Champion and before that, her father and grandfather sailed big boats with the Vanderbilts and founded Stamford Yacht Club.  Today Sue is 85.  I'm delighted that our kids are carrying on in her sailing footsteps.